The Hospital f Jura (JU - H) is a health institution that provides a wide range of services, intensivecare living for the elderly. With a total of over 500 beds, H - Ju deploys its activities on four sites: Delémont, Porrentruy, Saignelégier and La Promenade Residence in Delémont. The new Porrentruy Rehabilitation Center was inaugurated in June 2012. It includes a swimming pool, gyms, community physiotherapy, occ upational therapy and speech therapy. The center receives accident victims, patients who had surgery and those with musculoskeletal or neurological conditions. The goal is to create optimal conditions for a return at home and/or the resumption of a professional activity.
Certified as ultrasonographer; use of ultrasonography for botulinum toxin treatment for more than 20 years
Main interests
Musculoskeletal ultrasonography, spasticity treatment and neuro-urology